My grandfathers

Dedicated to the soul of my maternal grandfather Girgis Abboud Maroun, whom I only knew through his ecclesiastical publications, and to the soul of my paternal grandfather Tansa Youssef Al Khoury Baini, who served the church of Our Lady in Mejdlaya; for his entire life.
People unceasingly tell me,
Pour your poetry generously,
To flow freely verse by verse,
For your talent is the legacy,
Of Girgis Abboud, your grandfather;
Whose improvised fluent verses,
Glitter overwhelmingly.
I will lay at your grave,
Some roses and say to you:
You went before I was born,
But you are always on my mind.
Stay with me, my dear grandfather,

My grandfather Tansa with his fez,
The chieftain of our town,
His generosity touched everyone,
And he valued his love for us.
He was so brave at heart,
We all inherited his manhood,
His roots which grew in the church;
Rightfully reached seventh heaven.
My grandfathers, Girgis and Tansa.
Departed, but they are still in my eyes,
Their remains; the icons of my country,
Are buried under our immortal Cedars.
They both served the Almighty Lord,
Praying was their riches and provision,
O Virgin Mary, abide in their heart.