My maternal uncles

I never knew my uncle Joseph
I might have seen him in my dream,
Swimming in the treacherous waves;
That extinguished the candle of his life,
And swallowed his beaming smile;
Leaving but a prayer booklet and a towel
The windows of his house in Barsa,
Have always told me his story,
He died young and a bachelor,
Barsa, his town still awaits;
To celebrate his wedding day,
And remember his radiant smile,
That filled the air with magic;
In his absence silence reigned.
My learned uncle Lawrence,
His name in Lebanon is revered,
I was honoured when they said:
You surely take after him.
He excelled in history and poetry,
Exactly like his father George was;
An excellent thinker and linguist,
Lawrence was brought up at his hands.
My uncle, my grandfather and faith,
They form a holy three,
I inherited their mannerism,
Their abode is in Paradise.
I sadly missed my dear uncles,
My life resembles a glass that slipped,
Through the fingers of oblivion;
I walk daily upon its fragments.